Friday, June 10, 2011

This week my kids made a patriotic paper chain for the stair banister. I usually have them do this for each holiday because 1. they enjoy it 2. it’s a cheap craft and 3. it keeps them entertained for awhile.
First, each child picked out two sheets of scrapbook paper from the craft store.
Blog1 and wm
Then I used a paper cutter to cut one inch strips. I cut about 2 inches off the length of each strip so the links wouldn’t be too big.
Blog2 and wm
Then the kids grabbed glue stick and went to town making links…
Blog3 and wm
Blog4 and wm
Blog5 and wm
When they were done, I tied the paper chain to the banister with a ribbon…
Blog7 and wm
Blog8 and wm
Easy, patriotic and festive…
Blog6 and wm
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