Monday, December 26, 2011

Last week my kids and I made these reindeer noses for friends:
These were so fun and easy to make!  I used Whoppers and a cherry sour for the noses and put them in snack size ziploc bags.  I attached some hand made tags on the front and that was it! So bright and cheery!
A few other ideas…cover a Sprite bottle with red and black glitter paper to resemble Santa, and attach a tag that reads “May your days be Merry and Sprite”.
We turned a six pack of Dr. Pepper bottles into “Ruldolphs” with pipe cleaner antlers, google eyes and red pom pom noses:
Hope you are enjoying your Christmas as much as we are!
Thanks for visiting!
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1 comment:

  1. It’s สล็อตออนไลน์ Sembra il racconto di un giorno tipo Natale :D Che bella esperienza!
    Mi piacerebbe venire, ma se c'è Moz, no resto a casa!!


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