Saturday, December 31, 2011

Here’s a great collection of fun Valentine ideas!  Many are from Pinterest, some are ones my kids and I made up! 

1. Pop Rocks = Valentine, You “Rock”. Or, Valentine, you’re a POP star.
Source you rock

2. Koolaid = Valentine, you sure are “Kool”!
One Kool Valentine?

3. Tic Tacs = Tic Tac Toe game
tic tac toe

4. Matchbox Cars = Valentine, I “Wheelie” like you.
Source wheelie like you

5. Snickers = Valentine, you make me “Snicker”.
 you make me snicker 

6. Pencils = Valentine, you’re just “Write” for me! 
just write for me

7. Peeps = Happy Valentines Day to all my Peeps!
 valentine for my peeps

8. Tootsie Rolls = Lollipop Butterfly with card that reads “Happy Valentines Day, Toots!”
Source and template here happy valentines day toots

9. Rolos = Valentine, I like the way you roll!
Source I like the way you roll!

10. Popcorn & More = Valentine you’re a “POPstar”!  (Popcorn, Pop Tarts, Pop Rocks, etc.)
Source you're a pop star; popping in to say happy v-day

11. Lucky Charms = I’m lucky to have you as a Valentine!
Source so lucky to have you

12. Chewy things = Valentine, I “chews” you.  (Gum, Charleston Chew candy bar, Chewy Quaker Oats bar, Jolly Rancher chews candy, taffy, Laffy Taffy, licorice sticks, etc.)
I  chews you

13. Orbit Gum = “Valentine, You’re outta this world.”
Source outta this world

14. Crazy Straws = Valentine, I’m “crazy” for you.
 crazy for you

15. Apple Jacks = Valentine, You’re the “apple” of my eye.
Source apple of my eye

16. Apple Juice  = Valentine, You’re the “apple” of your eye.
Source apple of my eye

17. Apples = Valentine, You’re the “apple” of my eye.
Source apple of my eye

18.  mr. Goodbar = Valentine, you’re so “good” to me!
Source so good to me

19. Symphony bars = Valentine, you’re “music” to my ears!  Or, You’re the “song” in my heart!
music to my ears

20. Krackel Bars = Valentine, you “crack” me up!
you "crack" me up

21. Chips Ahoy Cookies = Ahoy, Matey! Be my Valentine!
ahoy matey
22.  Funyuns = Valentine, You’re so much “fun”!
 you're so much fun, valentine

23. Cracker Jack = Valentine, You “crack” me up.
 you crack me up

24. Crayons = Valentine, you “color” my word with happiness.
Crayola Crayons - 24 ct.

25. Crush Soda = I’ve got a “Crush” on you.
i've got a cruch on you

26.  Flower Seed Packet = Valentine, let’s watch our friendship “grow”.
our friendship grows

27. Peanuts = I’m “nuts” about you.
nuts about you

28.  Circus peanuts = Or if #27 causes allergies.  How ‘bout these ‘peanuts’?
Source nuts about you

29. Bananas = I go “bananas"' over you!
 bananas for you, valentine

30. Tootsie Rolls = “Happy Valentines, Toots!”  Or, “You are sweet and fun, all ‘rolled’ into one, Valentine!”
Source sweet and fun all "rolled" into one

31. Cheese Nips = It might sound “cheesy”, but I like you, Valentine!
cheesy, but I like you

32.  Oreos = It’s as plain as “black and white”, I’d love to be your Valentine!
plain as black and white

33. Extra Gum = Valentine, you’re EXTRA special to me!
you're extra special to me

34. Teddy Grahams = Valentine, I like you “beary” much! Or, "Bear hugs” for you, my Valentine!
i like you beary much

35. Strawberries = Valentine, I like you “berry” much!
Source i like you berry much

36. Kit Kat = Valentine, you’re the “Kats” meow!
 you're the kats meow, valentine

37. Marshmallows – Valentine, you are “sticky” sweet!
Source; Source you are sticky sweet, valentine you are sticky sweet, valentine

38.  Kid scissors = Valentine, you’re a “cut” above the rest!
Source you're a cut above the rest, valentine

39.  S’mores package = I need “S’more” valentines like you! Or, I couldn’t ask for anything “S’more” than to have you for a Valentine.

40. Paintbrushes = Valentine, you “color” my world with happiness.
you color my world

41.  Watercolors = Valentine, you “color” my world!
you color my world

42. Elmers Glue = Valentine, let’s “stick” together!
let's stick together

43. Highlighter = Valentine, you’re the Highlight of the class (of my day, of my world, etc.)!
Source you're the highlight of my day

44. Ruler = Valentine, you really measure up!
 you really measure up

45. Glitter = Valentine you really sparkle!
 you really sparkle, valentine

46. Googly Eyes = Valentine, I’ve got my “eyes” on you!
I've got my eyes on you, Valentine!

47. Word Search Books = You won’t have to search anymore, I’ll be your Valentine!
You don't have to search anymore, Valentine!

48. Reese’s Pieces = I go to “pieces” for you, Valentine!
I go to pieces for you

49. Pixie Sticks – Valentine, you are sweet!
 Valentine, you're so sweet!

50. Sticky Note Clipboards = Valentine, I’m “stuck” on you!
Source I'm stuck on you, Valentine!

51. M&Ms = Have a Marvelous and Magnificent Day!
Source Magnificent & Marvelous Valentine's Day

52. Goldfish crackers = Will you o”fish”ally be my Valentine?
Source Will you o"fish"ally be my Valentine?
Or, You’re a great “catch”!
Source You're a great catch, Valentine!

53.  Two of anything = Valentine, we’re two of a kind!
Source We're two of a kind.

54. Shovel = Valentine, I “dig” you!
I dig you, Valentine!

55. Rainbow Pops = I’m over the Rainbow for you!
 I'm over the Rainbow for you.

56. Cookie Cutter = Valentine, you’re my favorite “cookie”.  Or, You’re a “cut” above the rest.
Source You're a "cut" above the rest, Valentine!

57. Notepad and/or Crayons = Valentine, you’re “write” on!
 You're "write" on, Valentine!

58. Mints = Valentine, we were “mint” to be. (Andes mints, peppermints, etc.)
Source We were "mint" to be together.

59. Silly Bands = Nothing “silly” about me wanting to be your Valentine!
Source Nothing SILLY about wanting you for a Valentine!

60. Bag with owl topper and red candy = Valentine, “owl” always be yours.
Source Owl be your Valentine.

61. Playing Cards = Anyway you cut the cards, I’ll be your Valentine! Or It’s no “game”, I wanna be your Valentine!
Anyway you cut the cards, I want to be your Valentine.

62.Chapstick = Read my lips, Valentine: I’m yours!

63. Owl gift tag = Look “hoo’s” sending you a Valentine. (Pixie stix, pencil, pen, etc.) 
Source Look "hoos" sending you a Valentine...

64. Sidewalk Chalk = Anyway you “chalk it up”, I’ll be your Valentine!
Source Anyway you chalk it up...

65. Bubbles = Valentine, you “blow” me away!
 Valentine you blow me away...

66. Candy Corn = Nothing “corny” about me wanting to be your Valentine!
Source Nothing CORNY about wanting to be your Valentine.

67. Loose change =  Will you be my Valentine? It makes “cents” to me!
Source Be your Valentine?  Makes "cents" to me.

68. Playing Cards = You’re My Ace.  I’m Betting You’ll Be My Valentine. You Suit Me. We’re Two of a Kind.
 We're Two of A Kind, Valentine.

69. Paint Swatches = Valentine, you “paint” my world with fun!
Source You "paint" my world with fun.

70. Decorated matchbox with candy = Valentine, we’re a good “match”!
Source We're a good match, Valentine.

71. Thumbprint = “thumb” body loves you!
 Thumbody loves you, Valentine.

72. Fortune Cookie = I’m “fortune”ate to call you my Valentine!
Source I'm "fortune"ate to call you my Valentine.

73. Gum = I “chews” _____ as my Valentine. (Personalize)
I "chews" you.

74. Plastic animals = You are heads above the rest (giraffe).  Etc.
Source You're heads above the rest, Valentine. (giraffe)

75. Capri Sun (fruit punch flavor) = I’d be pleased as “punch” if you’d be my Valentine!
Source I'd be pleased as "punch" if you'll be my Valentine.

76. Decorated Sucker or Tootsie Pop = Have a SUPER Valentine’s Day!
Source Have a "SUPER" Valentines Day.

77. Animal crackers = Valentine, it’d be a “circus” without you around!
Source It'd be a circue without you around.

78. Candy Sticks = “Stick” with me, Valentine!
 STICK with me, Valentine.

79. Bookmark (paint swatches or scrapbook paper) = Mark my words, Valentine, you’re mine!
Source Mark my words, Valentine. You're mine.

80. Lemonade packet = Nothing “sour” about wanting you for my Valentine!
Source Nothing sour about wanting you for my Valentine.

81.Bag of pennies (or other change) = Don’t ever "CHANGE”, Valentine.
 Don't ever CHANGE, Valentine.

82. Robot Card with Hershey Candy
 Robot Candy Card for Valentines

83. Decorated clothespins
Source Decorated Clothespins Valentine

84. Yo Yo or Ball = Have a “ball” this Valentines!
 Have a BALL Valentine

85. Glow sticks = Valentine, you make my heart GLOW.
Source  You make my heart glow, Valentine

86. Magnifying glass = I’ve got my eye on you, Valentine!
Source I've got my EYE on you, Valentine

87. Photo card
Photo Card Valentine

88. Photo card with sucker attached
 Photo Card with Candy Valentine

89. Decoupage the first letter of their name with Valentine scrapbooking paper
Source Docoupaged letters Valentine

90.  Paint swatches = make a heart shaped valentine.
Source Paint Swatch Valentine

91. Applique initial onto t-shirt
Source valentine day shirt  

92. Oreos = dunk half of oreo in white cholocate and cover with colored sugar sprinkles.
Source Valentine Oreos

93.  Pretzels = same method as #92.
 valentine pretzels

94. Hersheys Kisses = put 1 inch paper or notes on the bottom.
Source Valentine Kisses with stickers.

95. Paint heart shaped wooden shape a pastel color and then customize for your family or Valentine.
 Valentine's Day painted hearts

96. Make heart shaped cinnamon rolls.
 valentines day cinnamon rolls  

97. DIY crayons
DIY crayons - "Color" my world, Valentine!

98. Rolos = You’re the “bomb”.
Source You're the "Bomb", Valentine.

99. Use a deck of cards to write “52 Things I love about You”.
Source 52 Things I Love About You, Valentine

100. Decorate a dollar store candle.
 Valentines Candle

101. Decorate a notepad using scrapbook paper. Personalize for your Valentine.
 Valentine Notebook

Whew!  Hope you can find something here that inspires you to create for your Valentine!

Thanks for visiting!
Please note:  I have done my best to correctly identify each original source of these wonderful ideas! Please email me if I've incorrectly linked your photo, or if the link is now broken. Thank you!
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